[Gluster-users] Fwd: files not syncing up with glusterfs 3.1.2

Joe Landman landman at scalableinformatics.com
Mon Feb 21 17:21:19 UTC 2011

On 02/21/2011 12:17 PM, Fabricio Cannini wrote:
> Em Segunda-feira 21 Fevereiro 2011, às 12:01:11, Joe Landman escreveu:
>> On 02/21/2011 09:53 AM, David Lloyd wrote:
>>> I'm working with Paul on this.
>>> We did take advice on XFS beforehand, and were given the impression that
>>> it would just be a performance issue rather than things not actually
>>> working.
>> Hi David
>>     XFS works fine as a backing store for GlusterFS.  We've deployed this
>> now to many customer sites, and have not run into issues with it.
> That's nice to hear. Next time i setup a gluster volume i'm going to take a
> look at xfs as a backend.
> BTW Joe, these deployments with xfs as backend fs, which version of gluster
> have you used ?

Everything from 1.3.x onward to 3.1.2

Joseph Landman, Ph.D
Founder and CEO
Scalable Informatics Inc.
email: landman at scalableinformatics.com
web  : http://scalableinformatics.com
phone: +1 734 786 8423 x121
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