[Gluster-users] Experiencing errors after adding new nodes

John Lao jlao at cloud9analytics.com
Thu Feb 24 18:25:52 UTC 2011


I had a 2 node distributed cluster running on 3.1.1 and I added 2 more nodes.  I then ran a rebalance on the cluster.

Now I am getting permission denied errors and I see the following in the client logs:

[2011-02-24 09:59:10.210166] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:59:11.851656] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[root at qe-loader1 glusterfs]# tail -100 mnt-qe-filer01.log
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.844211] I [dht-common.c:415:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: mismatching layouts for /
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.845312] I [dht-layout.c:588:dht_layout_normalize] loader-dht: found anomalies in /. holes=1 overlaps=0
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.846417] I [dht-layout.c:689:dht_layout_dir_mismatch] loader-dht: subvol: loader-client-0; inode layout - 0 - 2147483646; disk layout - 2147483646 - 3221225468
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.846434] I [dht-common.c:415:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: mismatching layouts for /
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.846561] I [dht-layout.c:689:dht_layout_dir_mismatch] loader-dht: subvol: loader-client-1; inode layout - 2147483647 - 4294967295; disk layout - 3221225469 - 4294967295
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.846577] I [dht-common.c:415:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: mismatching layouts for /
[2011-02-24 09:32:50.847650] I [dht-layout.c:588:dht_layout_normalize] loader-dht: found anomalies in /. holes=1 overlaps=0
[2011-02-24 09:39:08.159175] I [fuse-bridge.c:3138:fuse_thread_proc] fuse: unmounting /mnt/qe-filer01
[2011-02-24 09:39:08.160180] I [glusterfsd.c:672:cleanup_and_exit] glusterfsd: shutting down
[2011-02-24 09:39:14.184554] W [io-stats.c:1644:init] loader: dangling volume. check volfile
[2011-02-24 09:39:14.184599] W [dict.c:1204:data_to_str] dict: @data=(nil)
[2011-02-24 09:39:14.184614] W [dict.c:1204:data_to_str] dict: @data=(nil)
Given volfile:
  1: volume loader-client-0
  2:     type protocol/client
  3:     option remote-host qe-filer03
  4:     option remote-subvolume /data1
  5:     option transport-type tcp
  6: end-volume
  8: volume loader-client-1
  9:     type protocol/client
 10:     option remote-host qe-filer04
 11:     option remote-subvolume /data1
 12:     option transport-type tcp
 13: end-volume
 15: volume loader-client-2
 16:     type protocol/client
 17:     option remote-host
 18:     option remote-subvolume /data1
 19:     option transport-type tcp
 20: end-volume
 22: volume loader-client-3
 23:     type protocol/client
 24:     option remote-host qe-filer02
 25:     option remote-subvolume /data1
 26:     option transport-type tcp
 27: end-volume
 29: volume loader-dht
 30:     type cluster/distribute
 31:     subvolumes loader-client-0 loader-client-1 loader-client-2 loader-client-3
 32: end-volume
 34: volume loader-write-behind
 35:     type performance/write-behind
 36:     subvolumes loader-dht
 37: end-volume
 39: volume loader-read-ahead
 40:     type performance/read-ahead
 41:     subvolumes loader-write-behind
 42: end-volume
 44: volume loader-io-cache
 45:     type performance/io-cache
 46:     subvolumes loader-read-ahead
 47: end-volume
 49: volume loader-quick-read
 50:     type performance/quick-read
 51:     subvolumes loader-io-cache
 52: end-volume
 54: volume loader-stat-prefetch
 55:     type performance/stat-prefetch
 56:     subvolumes loader-quick-read
 57: end-volume
 59: volume loader
 60:     type debug/io-stats
 61:     subvolumes loader-stat-prefetch
 62: end-volume

[2011-02-24 09:39:18.132954] I [client-handshake.c:993:select_server_supported_programs] loader-client-2: Using Program GlusterFS-3.1.0, Num (1298437), Version (310)
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.136077] I [client-handshake.c:829:client_setvolume_cbk] loader-client-2: Connected to, attached to remote volume '/data1'.
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.136498] I [client-handshake.c:993:select_server_supported_programs] loader-client-1: Using Program GlusterFS-3.1.0, Num (1298437), Version (310)
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.137083] I [client-handshake.c:829:client_setvolume_cbk] loader-client-1: Connected to, attached to remote volume '/data1'.
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.140002] I [client-handshake.c:993:select_server_supported_programs] loader-client-0: Using Program GlusterFS-3.1.0, Num (1298437), Version (310)
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.140599] I [client-handshake.c:829:client_setvolume_cbk] loader-client-0: Connected to, attached to remote volume '/data1'.
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.144060] I [client-handshake.c:993:select_server_supported_programs] loader-client-3: Using Program GlusterFS-3.1.0, Num (1298437), Version (310)
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.144689] I [client-handshake.c:829:client_setvolume_cbk] loader-client-3: Connected to, attached to remote volume '/data1'.
[2011-02-24 09:39:18.150335] I [fuse-bridge.c:2817:fuse_init] glusterfs-fuse: FUSE inited with protocol versions: glusterfs 7.13 kernel 7.10
[2011-02-24 09:54:12.904354] W [fuse-bridge.c:888:fuse_unlink_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 4094: UNLINK() / c9.lock => -1 (Permission denied)
[2011-02-24 09:54:34.716535] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:54:36.470275] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:55:24.588912] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:55:26.180690] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:55:57.816431] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:55:59.242725] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:56:54.92112] W [fuse-bridge.c:1510:fuse_create_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 23558: / c9_refresh.lock => -1 (Permission denied)
[2011-02-24 09:57:01.792819] W [fuse-bridge.c:1510:fuse_create_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 23564: /Cloud9c9_refresh.lock => -1 (Permission denied)
[2011-02-24 09:57:31.812728] W [fuse-bridge.c:1510:fuse_create_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 23570: / c9_refresh.lock => -1 (Permission denied)
[2011-02-24 09:58:12.738834] W [fuse-bridge.c:1510:fuse_create_cbk] glusterfs-fuse: 23582: / c9_refresh.lock => -1 (Permission denied)
[2011-02-24 09:59:10.210166] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)
[2011-02-24 09:59:11.851656] I [dht-common.c:369:dht_revalidate_cbk] loader-dht: subvolume loader-client-3 returned -1 (Invalid argument)

I am running the rebalance again to see if it will fix the layout issue.

Any ideas why I'm seeing these errors after adding new nodes?


John Lao

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