Upcoming Community Happy Hour at Red Hat Summit! Tue, May 7, 2019, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM EDT https://cephandglusterhappyhour_rhsummit.eventbrite.com has all the details. Gluster 7 Roadmap Discussion kicked off for our 7 roadmap on the mailing lists, see [Gluster-users] GlusterFS v7.0 (and v8.0) roadmap discussion https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2019-March/036139.html for more details. Community Survey Feedback is available! Come …Read more
In this year’s survey, we asked quite a few questions about how people are using Gluster, how much storage they’re managing, their primary use for Gluster, and what they’d like to see added. Here’s some of the highlights from this year!
This is part of a new series on using Gluster! OpenVPN is open source software that serves as the basis for a Virtual Private Network capable of supporting a point-to-point or site-to-site connection. Along with the fact that it’s free to use, it also has the benefit of being one of the most secure (some …Read more
Congratulations to the team for getting Gluster 6 released! https://www.gluster.org/announcing-gluster-6/ https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2019-March/036144.html Our retrospective survey is open through April 8th, give us feedback on what we should start, stop or continue! https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2019-March/036144.html Gluster 7 Roadmap Discussion kicked off for our 7 roadmap on the mailing lists, see [Gluster-users] GlusterFS v7.0 (and v8.0) roadmap discussion …Read more
Thank you all for giving us feedback in our user survey for February! Help us test Gluster 6! https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2019-February/055876.html Contributors Top Contributing Companies: Red Hat, Comcast, DataLab, Gentoo Linux, Facebook, BioDec, Samsung, Etersoft Top Contributors in February: Yaniv Kaul, Raghavendra G, Nithya B, Amar Tumballi, Sanju Rakonde, Shyamsundar R Noteworthy Threads: [Gluster-users] Memory management, OOM …Read more
Hi all, We are calling out our users, and developers to contribute in validating ‘glusterfs-6.0rc0’ build in their usecase. Specially for the cases of upgrade, stability, and performance. Some of the key highlights of the release are listed in release-notes draft. Please note that there are some of the features which are being dropped out …Read more
Gluster Monthly Newsletter, January 2019 Gluster Community Survey – open from February 1st through February 28! Give us your feedback, we’ll send you a never before seen Gluster branded item! https://www.gluster.org/gluster-community-survey-february-2019/ See you at FOSDEM! We have a jampacked Software Defined Storage day on Sunday, Feb 3rd (with a few sessions on the previous …Read more
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Today, we are announcing the availability of GCS (Gluster Container Storage) 0.4. The release was bit delayed to address some of the critical issues identified. This release brings in a good amount of bug fixes along with some key feature enhancements in GlusterD2. We’d request all of you to try this out and provide feedback. …Read more
Gluster 6 – We’re in planning for our Gluster 6 release, currently scheduled for Feb 2019. More details on the mailing lists at https://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-devel/2018-November/055672.html Upcoming Community Meeting – December 19 – 15:00 UTC in #gluster-meeting on freenode. https://bit.ly/gluster-community-meetings has the agenda. Want swag for your meetup? https://www.gluster.org/events/ has a contact form for us to let …Read more
The Gluster community is pleased to announce the release of 5.0, our latest release. This is a major release that includes a range of code improvements and stability fixes with some management and standalone features as noted below. A selection of the key features and changes are documented on this page. Announcements: 1. Releases that …Read more
Today, we are announcing the availability of GCS (Gluster Container Storage) 0.1. This initial release is designed to provide a platform for community members to try out and provide feedback on the new Gluster container storage stack. This new stack is a collaboration across a number of repositories, currently including the main GCS repository [1], …Read more
Gluster Monthly Newsletter, August 2018 mountpoint Thank you all for a great mountpoint! We’ve published the videos on YouTube if you missed it! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfDF40G2ww02V9ILhvXugtg Community Meeting – September 12, 15:00 UTC in #gluster-meeting on freenode. https://bit.ly/gluster-community-meetings has the agenda. We’re participating in Outreachy this cycle! Our project will be posted on September 12th, …Read more
The Gluster community is pleased to announce the release of 4.1, our latest long term supported release. This is a major release that includes a range of features enhancing management, performance, monitoring, and providing newer functionality like thin arbiters, cloud archival, time consistency. It also contains several bug fixes. A selection of the important features and …Read more
Announcing mountpoint, August 27-28, 2018 Our inaugural software-defined storage conference combining Gluster, Ceph and other projects! More details at: http://lists.gluster.org/pipermail/gluster-users/2018-May/034039.html CFP at: http://mountpoint.io/ – closes June 15 Gluster Summit Videos – All our available videos (and slides) from Gluster Summit 2017 are up! Check out the GlusterCommunity YouTube homepage for more. https://www.youtube.com/user/GlusterCommunity/videos Want …Read more
The Gluster community has released an out-of-normal-cadence release for Gluster 3.10, 3.12, and 4.0 that resolves a CVE[1] that has been classified as Important. A privilege escalation flaw was found in the gluster snapshot scheduler. Any gluster client allowed to mount gluster volumes could also mount shared gluster storage volumes and escalate privileges by …Read more
The Gluster 4.0 release is coming out, one of the most important releases for the Gluster community in quite some time. The bump in the major version is being brought about by a few new changes, namely a change in the on-wire protocol, and the new management framework, GlusterD2 (GD2 for short). GD2 has been …Read more
In the recent past, the Gluster community has been focusing on persistent storage for containers as a key use case for the project and Gluster has been making rapid strides in its integration with Kubernetes. The release of 4.0 will deepen that integration and provide a foundation for building more functionality using these two popular …Read more