Join us on March 4 for the Gluster Community seminar and learn how to improve your storage.
This half day seminar brings you in-depth presentations, use cases, demos and developer content presented by Gluster Community experts.
Register today for this free half-day seminar and reserve your seat since spaces are limited. Click here to register.
We look forward to meeting you on March 4th!
13:30 – 13:45 Registration
13:45 – 14:15 The State of the Gluster Community
14:15 – 15:30 GlusterFS for SysAdmins, Niels de Vos, Red Hat
15:30 – 15:45 Break
15:45 – 16:30 Adventures in Cloud Storage with OpenStack and GlusterFS
Tycho Klitsee (Technical Consultant and Co-owner) of Kratz Business Solutions
16:30 – 17:15 Gluster Forge Demos, Fred van Zwieten, Technical Engineer, VX Company and Marcel Hergaarden, Red Hat
17:15 – 18:00 Networking Drinks
2020 has not been a year we would have been able to predict. With a worldwide pandemic and lives thrown out of gear, as we head into 2021, we are thankful that our community and project continued to receive new developers, users and make small gains. For that and a...
It has been a while since we provided an update to the Gluster community. Across the world various nations, states and localities have put together sets of guidelines around shelter-in-place and quarantine. We request our community members to stay safe, to care for their loved ones, to continue to be...
The initial rounds of conversation around the planning of content for release 8 has helped the project identify one key thing – the need to stagger out features and enhancements over multiple releases. Thus, while release 8 is unlikely to be feature heavy as previous releases, it will be the...